My Services
I am pleased to offer several services to individuals and professionals:
CoachingWhat is coaching? How does it differ from psychotherapy? And most of all, is it right for YOU? |
PsychotherapyI view this service as soul-care: emotional and spiritual work in the finest sense of the disciplines of healing |
DreamworkExploration of dreams and their meanings open new pathways of discovery and enlightenment. |
Audio (Tapes, CD’s and MP3sCreated out of years as a psychotherapist specializing in hypnosis, relaxation, stress management, and affective disorders |
Telehealth servicesTelehealth therapy services are a new development in the field of mental health. While it’s slightlty different than face-to-face sessions, it can be extremely helpful, |
Hypnotherapy servicesHypnotherapy is an effective approach to change. As we get acquainted, I learn about your background and goals. As trust develops and you begin to feel comfortable, |
contact me via email
or Call (478) 475-4608
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